Beyond Damage Dice
Arcing Slash. When you attack with a greatsword, once per turn you may choose to target two creatures within your reach with a single attack. This attack uses the same attack roll for both targets and deals slashing damage equal to id6 plus your Strength modifier to each target.
Grinding Halt. Whenever you must make a Strength saving throw to avoid being moved against your will, you can dig the blade of your greatsword into the ground as a reaction. Roll 2d6 and add the number rolled to the saving throw. If the effect pushing you does not have a saving throw, you move 5 feet fewer.
Lock Blades. When a creature attacks you with a weapon, you may use your reaction to attempt to lock blades and parry their attack. Make an attack roll with your longsword. You have advantage on this roll if you are wielding your lpngsword with two hands. If the result of this roll equals or exceeds their attack roll, their attack misses.
Short Draw. As an attack, you may draw a sheathed one-handed sword and make an attack roll to strike the enemy with its pommel, leaving the target gasping for breath. This attack deals no damage, but the next attack roll made against the target has advantage. You must have at least one hand free to take this action.
Main Gauche.^Thle wielding both a rapier and a dagger, you may use a reaction after being attacked to roll a d4 and add the result to your Armor Class until the end of the attacker’s turn.
Lock Blades. When a creature attacks you with a weapon, you may use your reaction to make an attack roll with your rapier. If the result of this roll equals or exceeds their attack roll, their attack misses. ■
Bloody Wound. When you hit a living creature with a scimitar, you can choose to make a superficial but bloody wound. The attack deals no damage, but the target takes id6 slashing damage at the beginning of each of its turns until it makes a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check as an action to stop the bleeding or until it receives magical healing. A creature can have only one bloody wound at a time.
Short Draw. As an attack, you may draw a sheathed one-handed sword and make an attack roll to strike the enemy with its pommel, leaving the target gasping for breath. This attack deals no damage, but the next attack roll made against the target has advantage. You must have at least one hand free to take this action.
Close Quarters Combat. When you successfully grapple a creature or escape a grapple, you may make a single _ attack with a short sword as a bonus action. Additionally, whenever a creature fails to escape a grapple with you, you may make a single attack with a short sword as a reaction.
Short Draw. As an attack, you may draw a sheathed one-handed sword and make an attack roll to strike the enemy with its pommel, leaving the target gasping for breath. This attack deals no damage, but the next attack roll made against the target has advantage. You must have at least one hand free to take this action.
Crushing Blow. As an action, you can make a single attack roll with your battleaxe against an armored or naturally armored creature within 5 feet of you. If the attack hits, the target’s AC is permanently reduced by 1 until its armor is repaired, but cannot be reduced below 10 + the target’s Dexterity modifier. This attack has no effect on creatures with magical armor, unless your battleaxe is also magical.
Disarming Parry. When a creature attacks you with a melee weapon, you may use your reaction to catch their weapon in your glaive’s hook and disarm them. Make an attack roll with your glaive. If the result of this roll equals or exceeds their attack roll, their attack misses and they must succeed on a Strength saving throw or drop their weapon.
Trip. As an attack while you are wielding a glaive, you may sweep your opponent’s legs in an attempt to trip them. Make an attack roll against a Large or smaller creature. If the attack hits, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or fall prone.
Rebuff. As an attack while you are wielding a halberd, you may use the haft of your weapon to rebuff up to two adjacent creatures. Make a single attack roll against one or two adjacent creatures within 5 feet of you. If the attack hits a target, you push it up to 10 feet away from you.
Trip. As an attack while you are wielding a halberd, you may sweep your opponent’s legs in an attempt to trip them. Make an attack roll against a Large or smaller creature. If the attack hits, it must succeed on a ■ Strength saving throw or fall prone.
Charge. If you move at least 20 feet straight toward a creature before hitting it with a lance attack, the target takes an extra 1d12 piercing damage and must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the target falls prone.
Repel Charge. As an action, you can set your lance against a charge. If a creature moves at least 20 feet straight toward you and attacks you, you may use your reaction to make an attack with your lance when this creature enter your reach. If this attack hits, it is an automatic critical hit and the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, it falls prone and falls off its mount if it is mounted.
As it is a polearm, a pike-wielder always has access to the disarming parry and trip maneuvers (see “Glaive”).
Phalanx. If you are adjacent to at least two other pike-wielders, your pike attacks have advantage.
Repel Charge. As an action, you can set your pike against a charge. If a creature moves at least 20 feet straight toward you and attacks you, you may use your reaction to make an attack with your pike when this creature enter your reach. If this attack hits, it is an automatic critical hit and the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, it falls prone and falls off its mount if it is mounted.
Vault. You can use your quarterstaff to help you leap long distances. You can use an action to double the length of your long jump, allowing you to leap a number of feet up to twice your Strength score (this jump is part of your movement). If you land adjacent to a creature at the end of this jump, you can make a single attack with your quarterstaff as part of this action.
Pin. As an action, make an attack roll against a Medium creature you are grappling. If the attack hits, you catch one of the target’s limbs between the tines and bury the trident in the ground, restraining the creature until the weapon is dislodged. The target may make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw (their choice) at the end of each of their turns to escape.
Disarming Parry. When a creature attacks you with a weapon, you may use your reaction to catch their weapon in your trident’s tines and disarm them. Make an attack roll with your trident. If the result of this roll equals or exceeds their attack roll, their attack misses and they must succeed on a Strength saving throw or drop their weapon.
^faether you’re wielding a fauchard, ranseur, or Bohemian earspoon, you can always use the disarming parry and trip maneuvers (see “Glaive”).
Improvised Clobber. If you are using an improvised weapon that counts as a club, you may choose to strike with such force that your weapon breaks. As an action, make a single club attack. On a hit, this attack is an automatic critical hit and your improvised club breaks.
Blackjack. Make a single attack roll with your club against a humanoid target. If the attack hits, it does no damage, but the target must make a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the beginning of its next turn.
Chain Garrote. ^^Lile wielding a flail, you may attempt to grapple a creature by looping the chain of your flail around its neck. ^^Lile grappled in this way, the creature cannot speak, cannot breathe, and has disadvantage on attack rolls against you. If you surprised the creature with this grapple, it cannot hold its breath and immediately begins suffocating. Creatures that you cannot grapple or do not need to breathe are unaffected by this maneuver.
Shield Snare. As an action while wielding a flail, you may make a single attack roll against a target carrying a shield or a similar defensive tool. This attack ignores any bonus to AC granted by the shield and deals normal weapon damage. If the attack hits, the target must also make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, its shield is pulled from its grip and lands at its feet.
Hurling Impact. As an action, you can make a single attack roll with your greatclub against a Medium or smaller target. If the attack hits, it does normal weapon damage and the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the target is pushed up to 5 feet away from you. On a critical hit, this attack does 2d8 extra damage and the greatclub breaks.
Ribshatter. Make a single attack roll with your greatclub against a humanoid target. This attack does normal weapon damage and the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it is stunned until the beginning of its next turn. If the damage you dealt was greater than the creature’s maximum hit dice, it is stunned until the end of its next turn.
Bruising Blow. As an action, make a single attack roll with your mace or morningstar against a living creature. If the attack hits, it deals normal weapon damage and the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target does not add its Dexterity modifier to its AC until the end of your next turn or until it is treated with a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check.
Ribshatter. Make a single attack roll with your mace or morningstar against a humanoid target. This attack does normal weapon damage and the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it is stunned until the beginning of its next turn. If the damage you dealt was greater than the creature’s maximum hit dice, it is stunned until the end of its next turn.
Crushing Blow. As an action, you can make a single attack roll with your maul against an armored or naturally armored creature. If the attack hits, the target’s AC is permanently reduced by 1 until its armor is repaired, but it cannot be reduced below 10 + the target’s Dexterity modifier. This attack has no effect on creatures with magical armor unless your maul is also magical.
Hurling Impact. As an action, you can make a single attack roll with your maul against a Medium or smaller target. If the attack hits, it does normal weapon damage, and the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the target is pushed up to 15 feet away from you.
Piercing Point. As an action, you may pinpoint a weak point of an opponent’s armor and make a single attack with your war pick against it. This attack pierces armor, treating the target’s AC as 10 + their Dexterity modifier. On a hit, this attack does normal weapon damage.
Trip. As an attack while you are wielding a war pick, you may hook your opponent’s leg in an attempt to trip them. Make an attack roll against a Medium or Small creature. If the attack hits, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or fall prone.
Bruising Blow. As an action, make a single attack roll with your warhammer against a living i creature. If the attack hits, it deals normal TISJ weapon damage, and the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target does not add its Dexterity modifier to its AC until the end of your next turn or until it is treated with a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check.
Sundering Strike. As an attack, make an attack roll with your warhammer against a creature wielding a weapon, including natural weapons. If the attack hits, the weapon is damaged, and all attacks made with this weapon have disadvantage. Another sundering strike destroys the weapon. This attack has no effect on magical weapons unless your warhammer is also magical.
Bullwhip. As part of your attack action, make a whip attack against a beast or a creature with an Intelligence score of 2 or lower. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until the end of its next turn.
Snare. As part of your attack action, you may snap your whip around a creature or its weapon. If you target the weapon, the creature must make a Strength saving throw or drop its weapon at its feet. If you target the creature, it must make a Strength saving throw or be restrained. It may repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns. You cannot make whip attacks until the restrained condition is ended.
These maneuvers can also be used with dagger-like bladed throwing weapons such as shuriken or kunai.
Pinning Point. When you make a melee or ranged weapon attack with a dagger, you may attempt to pin a Large or smaller creature to a wall or surface by catching their clothing with the knife’s point. This maneuver can be used against creatures without clothing at the GM’s discretion. Make an attack roll; if the attack hits, the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the target’s speed is reduced to zero until the dagger ' is removed. The target can make another Strength saving throw as an action on its turn.
Concealed Blade. Instead of making a Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide yourself, you may make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check—contested by an active or passive Wisdom (Perception) check—to conceal your dagger. As an action, you may make a weapon attack with a concealed dagger against a creature that has not yet acted in combat. This attack has advantage.
Pinning Edge. When you make a melee or ranged weapon attack with a hand axe, you may attempt to pin a Large or smaller creature to a wall or surface by catching their clothing with the axe’s edge. This maneuver can be used against creatures without clothing at the GM’s discretion. Make an attack roll; if the attack hits, the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the target’s speed is reduced to zero until the axe is removed. The target can make another Strength saving throw as an action on its turn.
Fearsome Accuracy. As an attack, you may throw your VP javelin at a creature at the very limit of your range. Make an attack roll against a creature exactly 120 feet away. If the attack hits, the creature takes normal damage and must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature becomes frightened of you for 1 minute.
Trip. As a melee weapon attack while you are wielding a javelin, you may sweep your opponent’s legs in an attempt to trip them. Make an attack roll against a Large or smaller creature. If the attack hits, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or fall prone.
Dazing Blow. As an action, you may make a single ranged weapon attack with a light hammer. If the attack hits, the target must make a Constitution saving throw or be incapacitated until the end of its next turn.
Sunder Joints. When you make a melee weapon attack against a creature in medium or heavy armor with a light hammer, you may choose to damage the joints of their armor instead of dealing damage to the creature. If the attack hits, the creature’s movement is reduced by 10 feet until the end of their next turn. This reduction is not cumulative.
Nets have the unique property, Ensnaring, described below.
Ensnaring: A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until it is freed. A net has no effect on creatures that are formless, or creatures that are Huge or larger. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, ending the effect and destroying the net.
Blinding Binds. Instead of restraining your foe, you may instead wrap the thick cords of your net around a single creature’s head. A Large or smaller creature hit by a net when you use this maneuver is blinded but is not restrained, until the net is removed.
Wing-Wrapping Net. Instead of restraining a flying creature, you may entangle its wings in your net. A Huge or smaller winged creature hit by a net when you use this maneuver has its fly speed reduced to 0 (but is not restrained) until the net is removed.
A blowgun has no specific maneuvers to use in combat, but a character with a poisoner’s kit (50 gp) can spend a short rest creating one of the following simple poisons. Applying a poison to a blowgun dart is a bonus action, and each vial of poison has 10 uses before it must be created again. A poison’s effects are in addition to the 1 piercing damage dealt by a blow dart.
Deathtoad Toxin. A creature hit by a dart coated with this poison must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it takes 2d6 poison damage.
Chuul Ichor. A creature hit by a dart coated with this poison must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it is paralyzed until the beginning of its next turn.
Svirfneblin Wooziness Tonic. A creature hit by a dart coated with this poison must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it is poisoned until the end of its next turn.
The composite bow’s unique construction gives it an incredibly heavy draw, making it usable only by the strongest archers. Characters with Strength 14 or lower have disadvantage on attacks made with a composite bow.
Power Shot. When you make an attack with a composite bow, you may take a penalty on your attack roll equal to your Strength modifier. This penalty must be applied before the roll is made. If the attack hits, it deals additional damage equal to twice your Strength modifier.
Staggering Shot. As an action while wielding a composite bow, you may make a single ranged weapon attack. If this attack hits, the enemy takes full weapon damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target’s speed is reduced to 0 until the end of its next turn.
In campaign settings with firearms, these maneuvers can also be used by a character who wields a rifle.
Shrapnel Shot. As an action, make a single attack with your crossbow against an unattended object. The attack deals double damage to the target. If the object is destroyed, it explodes into a cloud of shrapnel. Choose one of the following options:
Creatures within 5 feet of the object must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking id6 piercing damage on a failure.
A creature adjacent to the object must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature is blinded until the beginning of your next turn.
Patient Shot. You carefully align your crossbow’s sights over your target. As an action in a turn that you have not moved, you may make a single crossbow attack with advantage.
In campaign settings with firearms, these maneuvers can also be used by a character who wields a pistol.
Concealed Sidearm. Instead of making a Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide yourself, you may make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check—contested by an active or passive Wisdom (Perception) check—to conceal your hand crossbow. As an action, you may make a weapon attack with a concealed crossbow against a creature that has not yet acted in combat. This attack has advantage.
Rapid Shot. You rapidly reload your hand crossbow, throwing off your aim but allowing you to make an additional attack this turn. As a bonus action, you may reload your hand crossbow and make an attack with it against a target within 30 feet. This attack has disadvantage.
Pinning Shot. When you make an attack with a bow, you may attempt to pin a Large or smaller creature to a wall or surface by catching their clothing with the arrow’s point. This maneuver can be used against creatures without clothing at the GM’s discretion. Make an attack roll; if the attack hits, the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the target’s speed is reduced to 0 until the arrow is removed. The target can make another Strength saving throw as an action on its turn.
Distracting Shot. As an action, make a single attack with your bow. You intentionally miss your target but give an ally the chance to attack while it is distracted. The next attack roll against the target has advantage if it is made before the beginning of the target’s next turn.
Trick Shot. As an action, make a single stylish bow attack with disadvantage. If the lower roll would also hit the target, you automatically score a critical hit.
Underdog Strike. As an action, you may make a single ranged weapon attack with your sling against a creature at least 1 size category larger than you. This attack deals normal weapon damage, and an extra id4 bludgeoning damage per size category difference.
Headcrack. As an action, you may make a single ranged weapon attack with your sling. If the attack hits, the target must make a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the beginning of its next turn.
The tijino poleaxe bears a long axe blade in front, with a long, looping backhook designed to unhorse riders. The tijino poleaxe has reach. You can strike opponents io feet away with it, but you cannot use it against an adjacent foe. As a polearm, tijino wielders can also use the disarming parry and trip maneuvers (see “Glaive”).
Unmount. As an action while wielding a tijino, you may make a single attack against a mounted creature. If the attack hits, the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the target is dismounted and falls prone.
The nordmansch greataxe likely originated with the foresters and lumberjacks of the Ordenn forest, who found a way of making axe heads they continue to keep secret. The nordmansch make more axes than their woodsmen actually need. The nordmansch greataxe is a two-handed weapon built to sunder other weapons. Its edge is hardened especially for this purpose, and its haft is likewise set with trapping prongs to catch and hold a foe’s weapon. At the GM’s discretion, typical greataxes may also use the sundering strike maneuver.
Sundering Strike. As part of the attack action, make a single attack roll with your nordmansch against a creature wielding a weapon, including natural weapons. If the attack hits, the weapon is damaged, and all attacks made with this weapon have disadvantage. Another sundering strike destroys the weapon. This attack has no effect on magical weapons, unless your nordmansch is also magical.
Disarming Parry. When a creature attacks you with a weapon, you may use your reaction to catch their weapon in your nordmansch’s prongs and disarm them. Make an attack roll with your nordmansch. If the result of this roll equals or exceeds their attack roll, their attack misses, and they must succeed on a Strength saving throw or drop their weapon.
A hand-and-a-half sword designed to pierce heavy armor and sharpened only on the tip, an estoc is 4 feet long, sometimes with a second crossguard. It is said to have been used first by the knights ofVaelTurog and Balinor against the elves, but now is used by dwarven mercenaries and human knights who expect to fight other heavily armored warriors. Its anti-armor properties make it popular with monster hunters and dragon slayers as well. Sometimes called the “tuck.” The estoc also has the following special property. Special: The estoc deals an additional id6 damage to creatures wearing heavy armor, or naturally armored creatures with an AC of 16 or higher.
Armor-Piercing Thrust. As an action, you may pinpoint a weak point of an opponent’s armor and make a single attack with your estoc against it. This attack pierces armor, treating the target’s AC as io + their Dexterity modifier. On a hit, this attack does normal weapon damage, and does not deal the additional damage granted by the estoc’s special property (above).
Blunted Bash. Instead of dealing piercing damage, you can choose to deal bludgeoning damage by striking the target with the estoc’s unsharpened blade. This attack’s damage die is one size smaller than normal (id4 if one-handed, id6 if two-handed), and cannot benefit from the estoc’s special property (below).
This longsword has a spring-loaded poniard concealed in the hilt, which quickly extends when the hilt is gripped in a particular way. It is particularly beloved by rogues, as the concealed blade helps them sneak attack opponents already locked in combat. Kariv of a crueler bent have been known to poison the secondary blade. Thanks to its hidden blade, the Rothenian poniard has the following special ability:
Special: The larger blade is a versatile weapon, and the secondary blade is a light weapon. You may make an attack with the secondary blade as bonus action, as if you were two-weapon fighting. Retracting the poniard requires an action.
Hidden Poniard. If the poniard is still concealed within your sword’s hilt, you may make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check opposed by a target creature’s Wisdom (Perception) check. If you win this contest, you may make a single attack roll with the concealed poniard against that target. This attack has advantage.
First crafted by the bronzesmiths of the Lion Kingdom of Omphaya, the wicked dikama fang blade is shaped like a serrated, oversized lion’s tooth.
Bloody Wound. When you hit a living creature with a dikama, you can choose to make a superficial but bloody wound. The attack deals no damage, but the target takes id6 slashing damage at the beginning of each of its turns until it or another creature makes a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check as an action to stop the bleeding or until it receives magical healing.
Serrated Twist. When you deal damage to a living creature with a dikama (not including damage from the Bloody Wound maneuver), you may twist the serrated blade as a bonus action. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw or take 2d4 slashing damage.
A Nurian hook is a i-foot-long square shaft that ends in a bronze hook with an arrow-shaped point at the pommel. Embalmers and butchers use it to hang up corpses.
Disarming Parry. When a creature attacks you with a weapon, you may use your reaction to catch their weapon in your hook and disarm them. Make an attack roll with your Nurian hook. If the result of this roll equals or exceeds their attack roll, their attack misses and they must succeed on a Strength saving throw or drop their weapon.
Trip. As an attack while you are wielding a Nurian hook, you may catch your opponent’s leg in an attempt to trip them. Make an attack roll against a Medium or smaller creature. If the attack hits, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or fall prone.
Politics in the Mharoti Empire are a battlefield, ™ and not all wars there are won with words. The scorpion stiletto appears as an ornate, ceremonial knife, but its beauty distracts from the deadly poison secreted within—the venom of the Mharoti emerald scorpion. Though this knife originated in the Dragon Empire, it is now wielded by assassins and cutthroat politicians throughout Midgard and the Southlands. Other than the two properties described below, the only difference between a standard dagger and a scorpion stiletto is price. The stiletto is a specialized assassination tool, so no one can just walk into a shop and buy one. A purchaser must either find a disreputable merchant who’ll sell one under the table or a disreputable smith who’ll make one to order. In either case, the price must be negotiated. Any maneuver that can be used with a dagger can also be used with a scorpion stiletto.
Concealed Blade. Instead of making a Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide yourself, you may make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check—contested by an active or passive Wisdom (Perception) check—to conceal your stiletto. As an action, you may make a weapon attack with a concealed dagger against a creature that has not yet acted in combat. This attack has advantage.
Release Venom. A vial of venom can be loaded into the handle of this stiletto. As a bonus action, you can press the jewel on the dagger’s pommel to release the venom into a groove on the blade. Any type of injury poison can be loaded into the stiletto’s hidden chamber, but the most common is emerald scorpion venom.
Emerald Scorpion Venom (Injury). A creature subjected to this poison must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw at the beginning of each of its turns, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much on a successful one. This poison lasts until the target succeeds on three saving throws or is magically cured
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